
Mistweaver of the Ayit

Traveling in service to her village and to the jungle she calls home, Ysfir is a young Rava who has come to Eorzea to reclaim that which belongs to her people.Ysfir is a conflicted woman that finds herself enraptured and befuddled by all to be found from beyond the boughs of Golmore, yet bound by duty alongside her sisters.

((With the launch of Dawntrail, Ysfir Ayit will not be available while I play an alternate character. ICly, she has returned to her village in Golmore to return one of the Ayiti relics she has recovered in her travels.))

( Last Updated: 07/01/2024 )


►Gender: ♀►Occupation: Ayiti Mistweaver (Conjurer-Dancer Hybrid)►Age: 64►Height: 6'3"►Alignment: Chaotic-Good►Sexuality: Lesbian►Marital Status: Single

Ysfir hails from a Rava village known as Ayit. Located on the western fringes of Golmore, this unique tribe places great focus on the powers of song and dance, and uses it to protect and shape the trees and groves they call home.Before the Galrean Empire's fall to civil war and the dissolution of IVth Legion, Ayit was sacked by a detachment stationed in Dalmasca. Their prize; Several relics, many of them powerful and ancient, were stolen. While some were kept in the Garlean's hands, many were sold and scattered across the Star, forcing Ysfir and her sisters to go in service to Ayit, Golmore, and the Viera's scared Green Word, to return these relics to where they belong.

Roleplaying Hooks

Seedkin Enthusiast: Ysfir adores Seedkin and even has a companion in the form of a Golmore Korpokkur by the name of Gordo. By her peers, she is often touted as an expert of these plant-like animals.Lost But Not Found: After the Garlean raid upon their home, the Ayit had lost a great deal of relics both precious and dangerous. Ysfir is constantly scoping out museums and antique stores in the hopes of reclaiming her tribe's lost artifacts.Sisters of Golmore: The Ayit have had an unfortunate history with the other tribes of Golmore. Other Viera, having left the woods or no, may look upon Ysfir and her tribe with contempt. Some might even say they deserved the raid upon their village. Despite having left her home in Golmore, she still yet clings to her forest name, another oddity that would stand out amongst her kin."Could I interest you in a trinket?": While Ysfir is a prime example of dancing prowess from her tribe, the young Rava is also skilled in crafting tiny clay figurines during her free time. She might be inclined to part with them in exchange for gil, or make them for her closest friends.


► Hullo, I'm Sherrydile (Most call me Luci). I'm 30+ year old NB (She/They), and have been roleplaying across various MMOs for about twelve years now. I live in the Central timezone (UTC -5:00 as of this posting), my work schedule isn't predictable, so I prefer to schedule stuff ahead of time.► I'm an adult, and for my own comfort and safety, and the comfort and safety of others that I play with, I will not RP with persons younger than 21 years old. This is regardless of themes in RP.► Do not solicit me for ERP. While I'm not opposed to it if our characters connect on that level, I generally prefer fade-to-black.► RP Themes: Lighthearted, slice-of-life, casual adventuring. Mature themes are fine. I don't enjoy Darker themes and prefer to avoid them wholesale. Please keep gore, abuse, torture, and extreme violence to a minimum, I'm very squeamish.► Looking For: Long-term RP partners for plotting, IC friends and acquaintances.► Discord: Inquire!